Core77 talks with The Crowdsourceress about reaching your built-in audience

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Many creators ask––how can I find my built in audience? How can I reach the people I think will be interested in my project? Alex Daly spoke with Core77 about her book, The Crowdsourceress, shared her main tips for finding the people who will contribute to your crowdfunding project, and how to connect with them on a genuine level.

Read the full feature and all of Alex’s tips on Core77.


The Definitive Guide to Crowdfunding Your Next Book, by The Crowdsourceress

The Crowdsourceress book cover image

The two most common questions I get when I’m sitting on a panel or giving a talk about crowdfunding are “How do you do it?” and “How can I do it too?” No one wants to hear statistics, theories, or one-size-fits-all advice, and I don’t blame them. People want real guidance, real stories from the trenches, and real takeaways. That’s why I decided to write this post and came up with this guide–to show you exactly how to get crowdfunding for your next book (or any creative project). Read moreSVG_ARROW_RIGHT

ADweek shares Alex’s success and the launch of her book on crowdfunding.

On the day of its launch, ADweek shared the news of Alex Daly’s Kickstarter manual, The Crowdsourceress. The piece highlights Alex’s success in the crowdfunding world, along with the invaluable advice she shares in her book. ADweek notes:

“‘Constantly ask questions,’ says Daly of pursuing a career. Her other key advice in that regard is not to be afraid to abandon an initial, chosen career path.”

Read the full piece on ADweek!